The Olzmann lab is committed to promoting diversity and inclusivity in STEM. We strive to develop a supportive environment that is conducive to open communication, collaboration, and innovation. We embrace our common excitement and passion for scientific discovery, and work as a team to tackle challenging problems in cell biology.
‘‘A lab is a nurturing environment that aims to maximize the potential of students as scientists and as human beings.’’
– Uri Alon (Mol Cell 2009)
"A well-functioning scientific laboratory is like a family. It is a place of wonderful social interactions and an environment that provides a support structure."
– Ron Vale (Cell 2019)

James Olzmann, Ph.D.
Doris Howes Calloway Chair and Professor​
olzmann "at" berkeley.edu
Postdoctoral – Stanford
Ph.D. – Emory Univ.
B.S. – Univ. Michigan

Amalia Megarioti, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
amaliamegarioti​ "at" berkeley.edu
Ph.D. – National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
B.S. – National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Kirandeep Deol, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
kdeol "at" berkeley.edu
Ph.D. – Univ. Mass Amherst
M.S. – Univ. Wisconsin
B.S. – San Jose State

Mike Lange, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
mikelange "at" berkeley.edu
Ph.D. – Univ. of Leipzig
M.S. – Univ. Erlangen- Nürnberg
B.S. – Univ. Erlangen- Nürnberg

Sean Johnson, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
seanjohnson "at" berkeley.edu
Ph.D. – Wayne State Univ.
B.S. – Univ. Michigan

Alyssa Mathiowetz, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
alyssamathiowetz "at" berkeley.edu
Ph.D. – UC Berkeley
B.S. – Univ. Connecticut
Alex Inague, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
inague "at" berkeley.edu
Ph.D. – Univ. São Paulo
B.S. – Univ. São Paulo

Cody Doubravsky
Graduate student
Molecular & Cell Biology
cdoubravsky "at" berkeley.edu
B.S. – UC Berkeley

Emily Meymand
Graduate Student
Molecular & Cell Biology
emily_meymand "at" berkeley.edu
B.A. – U Pennsylvannia

Abby Harris
Graduate Student
Molecular & Cell Biology
ARCS Foundation Fellow
abby "at" berkeley.edu
B.S. – MIT
Sydney Tomlinson
Graduate Student
Metabolic Biology
sydneytomlinson "at" berkeley.edu
B.A. – Occidental College

Gergey Alzaem Mousa
Graduate Student
NSF Graduate Fellow
gmousa "at" berkeley.edu
B.S. / B.S – Arizona State University

Emily Torres
Research technician / Lab manager
eftorres "at" berkeley.edu
B.A. – UC Berkeley

Alyssa Chan
Undergraduate Student
alyssachan at" berkeley.edu
Major: Mol Cell Biol
Anna Kroskrity
Undergraduate Student
Bakar Ignite Scholar
anna-krosk "at" berkeley.edu
Major: Mol Envir Biol

Colin Delaney
Undergraduate Student
c.delaney "at" berkeley.edu
Major: Chemical Biology